In this edition of "Not Necessarily The News," Tootie Landry spends some time with a Carmelite nun, to find out about their "simple, rich and fulfilling" life.

"Hey! I'm Tootie Landry and this is what I found out today!

You probably have passed this place on the Breaux Bridge Highway and never really given much thought as to what exactly goes on there. But... Maybe we should.

Can you imagine living in a community with no news, no T.V. or radio? There's no social media or interaction with the outside world. No grocery shopping, no paying bills or any other distractions we all face on a daily basis. The ladies here live, die and are even buried here. They are vegetarians and grow their own food.

I've shown up at all kinds of different places from sports arenas, foreign countries and businesses all over Acadiana. But, I have never visited a place like this before!

Since 1936, the Carmelite Monastery has been located in Lafayette. This cloistered community is made up of nuns from 20-to-90-years-old that have a very unique vocation: to pray for us! Yep! Us!

I was fortunate to visit with one of the nuns who explained to me the Carmelites. She said  'It's simple, rich and fulfilling.' In the 15 minutes I spent with her I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who dropped by with petitions! Each one taken with the assurance prayers would follow.

And finally, as I was turning to leave, Sister reminded me why they do what they do. She said, 'Love is repaid by love alone.' And I was definitely feeling the love! And I'm Tootie Landry and this is "Not Necessarily the News!"

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