Tsunami Sushi Restaurant Adopts A ‘No Straw’ Policy At All Locations
Tsunami Sushi has decided to go straw free.
According to a post on their official Facebook Page, the popular sushi restaurant is moving away from straws in an effort to decrease marine debris that plays a part in killing marine life and ends up on our beaches.
Don't fret. If you're a germaphobe who has to have a straw, Tsunami says they will have them available by request, but they're hoping that others will join them in their mission to go straw free.
I spoke with Tsunami owner, Michelle Ezell who told me the decision behind going strawless was an easy one.
We started recycling our cardboard boxes years ago. We also reuse almost all of our containers from purchases. Eliminating straws was the next obvious move.
Ezell also says that while she may not be a biologist, the research is there and her mindfulness when it comes to being a good steward to the earth goes beyond any policy or recycling at her restaurant.
I personally started keeping my own coffee cup at work for my Starbucks run. One less cup and lid in the landfill.
As someone who doesn't use many straws, it's definitely not an issue for me and I applaud Tsunami for doing their part to make a difference. This decision won't be something that everyone will necessarily go along with (and that's totally O.K.), but it will definitely raise awareness while cutting down on marine debris.
How do you feel about living a straw free life? Let us know in the comments.