United Blood Services has a critical need for Type O blood.

Jason Connor from UBS said about 45 percent to 48 percent of the population is Type O, "so it represents a large group of people."

Connor said a simple phone call to their office on Bertrand Drive will allow you to schedule an appointment to donate blood or to receive information on where the latest blood drives are.

"We recognize that not everyone can make it into Lafayette during the day," Connor said, "so we do have blood drives that are going on throughout Acadiana and the communities."

If you choose to come in to their main office, Connor said you can expect to be out in about 35 to 40 minutes, especially if you complete the interview process on their website and print out a fast track ticket.

"It's helping save lives," Connor said. "It's something we need right now," especially with Labor Day around the corner and with students heading back to school.

To schedule an appointment over the phone, call 235-5433, and they're open seven days a week.

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