Political blogger Walt Bennetti of clickjefferson.com joined 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' today and discussed among other things:

  • Jindal for Senate rumors
  • Mary Landrieu - Ft. Polk
  • California School Kids used to promote Obamacare

According to Bennetti,

Tongues were wagging last week with rumors of the Governor for Senate and to be honest with you I think it makes perfect sense.  But, it doesn't make sense now.  It will make perfect sense next year.  Governor Jindal has to realize that he's not going the President or Vice-President in 2016.  I mean he's not at that level yet...The Governor can ride off into the sunset next year.  He can save the day for the Republican Party because I honestly don't believe Congressman Bill Cassidy can beat Senator Landrieu.

Last week Senator Landrieu's office published a press release touting her accomplishments in securing over a billion dollars in funding for Fort Polk, LA and in regards to that Bennetti said,

My problem with this is not that Leesville and Ft. Polk were saved it's that it is typical big-government from Mary Landrieu.  It's not that we have an Army base at Ft. Polk but what are we doing there?  Years ago military bases were placed in Congressional districts as perks but we can't afford that today.

Over the weekend Fox News reported interesting investments in education which Bennetti detailed.

There was a grant for almost a million dollars awarded to the Los Angeles Unified School System and the primary objective of this grant was so teens could be trained to be messengers to family members about the benefits of Obamacare...If it works in California you're going to start to see it in other parts of the country.

Bennetti had a lot more to say about Governor Jindal, Mary Landrieu, Senator David Vitter and Obamacare which you can hear by listening to the interview:

You can read from Walt Bennetti by visiting his blog at clickjefferson.com.

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