Today Walt Bennetti, political blogger from joined 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' and discussed among other things:

  • The UL name controversy
  • Harry Reid and more taxes
  • The premier of the Edwin Edwards TV series
  • Obamacare roll out failures
  • Governor Jindal's TV appearance yesterday

Concerning the UL (University of Louisiana, Lafayette) / ULM (University of Louisiana, Monroe) controversy Bennetti offered this solution.

I think they play each other in a football game and at half-time the two school presidents have a duel and whichever one wins they get to call themselves UL...You could do a 'live remote' from the ULL halftime.

When asked if he had watched the premier of 'The Governor's Wife' on A & E last night Bennetti replied,

I watched 'The Ex Con's Wife' last night just so I could report on 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' today.  I have to say there were some parts that were funny.  Actually it was Louisiana day on television yesterday.  I woke to have the Governor (Jindal) on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.  Then A & E ran about four hours of 'Duck Dynasty' in advance of the premier of 'The Governor's Wife'.  Then they ran two back to back episodes.  I don't know if they will do that every week...I got a full hour of the 'Ex Con's Wife and the Ex Con and his family.

Turning to Governor Bobby Jindal's appearance on 'Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace' Bennetti said,

The Governor seems to think that he has the answer for healthcare reform for the country.  He thinks the country should look at Louisiana.  He said 'I think we need to do healthcare reform from the bottom up and I think we have a better approach'...He thinks we need to make healthcare private and turn things over to the private sector and get government out of it.


You can hear all of Bennetti's comments including those about Harry Reid and taxes by listening to the interview:

You can read more from Walt Bennetti by visiting


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