Crowley Law Enforcement Seeking Information on Side-By-Side Theft
Happy New Year, now let me steal your side-by-side. That's the unfortunate reality for a homeowner who lives west of Crowley. According to Acadia Parish Crime Stoppers officials, someone took off with a 2017 Polaris Ranger side-by-side between 3 o'clock and 5 o'clock on January 1, 2022.
The side-by-side was on the property of a homeowner in the 1100 block of Egan Highway which is just west of Crowley. The pictures included in this story are of the stolen vehicle. When you look at the pictures, you will notice that the side-by-side had none of its four doors attached to the vehicle when it was stolen. Other identifying factors about this side-by-side is that is blue and black in color, and the owner says it's a "1000 High Lifter Edition". The last time anyone was able to see, it was seen going south on Trumps Road.
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be able to come up with the $17,000 it would take to replace the vehicle. Law enforcement officials in Acadia Parish are hoping someone saw something in the early morning hours of January 1. There is also a chance that someone overheard something about this theft. It's not like a side-by-side wouldn't be noticed if it's on someone else's property in Acadiana. Know someone who has a "new" side-by-side? If you know anything, you are asked to call the Acadia Parish Crime Stopper Tip Line at 337-789-TIPS(8477). You don't have to give your name or any other information that will identify you.
There is another way for anyone to anonymously give information via your mobile device. All you have to do is download the P3 app. You can anonymously give information via your phone. There is reward money available as well. Your information, if it leads to an arrest, could be worth up to $1,000 in reward money. Acadia Parish Sheriff K.P. Gibson is asking people who know any information to "be the difference."
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