Who Keeps A Secret Better Men Or Women?
We've all got secrets. That's why we cringe when someone else has our phone in their hands and God forbid they start swiping! Most of our secrets are pretty benign things. You know things like I cheated on my diet, I binge watch SpongeBob Squarepants, and I took that piece of cake out of the office refrigerator.
Still, there are some other pretty big secrets that we are told by friends and family that we don't do so well in keeping. Women get a bad rap for not being able to keep their mouths shut when it comes to things told in confidence. According to a story on the website Female First, a woman is most likely to break a confidence within 3 hours and 27 minutes of hearing it. The usual recipient of the clandestine communication is her significant other.
You're probably thinking that would be the time that the males of the species would start to make light of the fact that women just can't keep quiet. Well, fellows, I recommend you keep your mouth shut on this issue because that same article suggested that a man can only keep his yap shut for 2 hours and 47 minutes. That means that while both genders are not to be trusted at least women give you an extra 30 minutes to come up with an alibi.
That means that while both genders are not to be trusted at least women give you an extra 30 minutes to come up with an alibi. What are the secrets we are most likely to blab about?
Relationship issues are a big one. Things like who is having an affair, who is doing married things at the office with a co-worker, who is pregnant, and who is struggling to make things happen in the bedroom. Finances are another big reason for sharing a confidence. Things like who's having financial difficulty, who just came into a lot of money, and who did or didn't get a raise at work.
Oh, by the way, don't tell anyone here at the radio station something you don't want to be blabbed all over the countryside. We are the worst at keeping secrets. Then again if you don't tell us we'll just make something up anyway.
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