Tracking down suspects is a tough job—and as dangerous as it may be, sometimes police only have hilariously bad sketches to follow.

I've seen some bad police sketches in my day, but this may be the worst of all time.

According to CBS, Miami-Dade Police were looking for 15-year-old DeAndrew Charles in connection with the murder of Rabbi Joseph Raksin.

The case started in North Miami Beach in 2014 when Raksin was shot and killed walking to a synagogue. CBS Miami reports that police raided the Charles’ home and said they found evidence linking to DeAndre, an accusation his family says is incorrect.

The only problem, was the sketch they had to go on looked like something off of Cartoon Network. At first, Buzzfeed thought the photo was a police sketch, but it turns out the sketch was actually drawn by a witness.

But still—look at that sketch.

The only sketch that may be worse is the Alabama Leprechaun.

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