The NAACP of Louisiana has submitted a formal written request in the form of a letter to Govenor Bobby Jindal. That letter requests that a Louisiana license plate that honors "Sons of Confederate Veterans" no longer be available for motorist to purchase and use on their motor vehicles. Currently 160 of these license plates are on vehicles across the state.

Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says he sponsored the legislation to create the plate back in 1999. He told the Louisiana Radio Network this request was done on behalf of a capitol employee. Mr. Donelon did not have a comment on the current request by the Louisiana NAACP because he says he is no longer a policy maker.

LA-NAACP President Earnest Johnson explained his groups position and reasoning behind their request to have the plate discontinued.

Obviously there is a moral revolution taking place in this country to do the right thing. And to discontinue having state officially sponsored Rebel Flags in any form.

Many major retail outlets have stopped selling merchandise that depicts the Confederate Battle Flag. Mr. Johnson says his group believes that the "Rebel Flag" is best relegated for individual use and not on state sponsored items.

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