Solidarity-Not Charity-Food Drive In Lafayette
Do you have extra of something in your pantry? Students at SLCC are hoping, if you have enough for your family, that you would be willing to share with others.
On Wednesday, March 31, South Louisiana Community College on Bertrand will be the site of a donation drop-off for food as they will be hosting a food drive.
According to Spokeswoman Christine Payton, via press release, several of the groups on campus are teaming up for the food drive. The following groups are putting on the food drive:
- The Beta Xi Omeage chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
- The Student Government Association Of SLCC
- The Diversity and Inclusion Programming Board
SLCC even has its own food pantry that it started several months back for those that are having trouble with food insecurity. Second Harvest Food Bank says that one in every five children in Louisiana deals with food insecurity. Imagine if their mom or dad is trying to get an education; things can be tough for the whole family. The problem has only been compounded by the pandemic and the resulting impact on the economy.
Students will be accepting non-perishable food items from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. on March 31 in a drive-thru fashion at their Lafayette Campus. You simply drive to 1101 Bertrand Drive and look for Lot I.
They are hoping to collect the following things:
Non-perishable grocery items and other items like soups, canned meat, cereals, even items like new socks and hygiene products.
For the SLCC Food Shelf Program, they ask that you bring any ready-to-eat items like breakfast bars or soup cups, as an example.
For the Lafayette Community Fridge, you can bring fresh items along with things like oatmeal and bread. Click here for more information.
If you can't come to the food drive, or if you would like to give now or even after the food drive, there are several ways to do that. Here are some options:
In-person donations can be brought to SLCC to the Office of Student Engagement (Room 403 A-B).