From Worst To First: Lafayette Parish Construction Areas Ranked
It's a traffic headache that every local motorist is familiar with, but which construction area is the worst?
Traffic construction is seemingly never-ending, and while we know the end result is necessary when it comes to improving our roadways, it doesn't make it any less inconvenient.
The problem isn't even necessarily the roadwork more than it's how our fellow motorists behave in said construction—not to mention the businesses that suffer as access to their storefronts are buried behind dirt work and orange cones.
We asked you to give us your opinion on the worst construction area in Lafayette Parish and here's what you had to say.
In late 2017 there was an emergency closure of the Surrey Street bridge, but anyone having to detour one way or the other understands the inconvenient struggle. It doesn't make it any better with the airport located immediately next to the bridge closure. According to officials, work is being done but there is no current completion date so we may still be months away from the bridge reopening.
4. I-10 (I-49 TO HENDERSON)
Even though it's technically outside Lafayette Parish, the I-10 widening project between Lafayette and Henderson is a thorn in many sides–especially if you travel that way for school or work. One of the biggest gripes are the exits, specifically the Henderson exit that can get confusing at times. The project is reportedly years away from being completed.
Construction on Kaliste Saloom has been going on for a while now. The construction area has moved down the main roadway for well over a year now and if you don't pay attention it's easy to get caught up in the cones. Hopefully, we're nearing the end of the project, but some citizens say that it seems like no one is ever working on the road.
This could arguably be the worst construction area we are currently dealing with, especially with the number of people who commute between Lafayette and the suburbs in Broussard, Youngsville and New Iberia. It's easy to get turned around or forced to drive through parking lots to get where you're going.
The Verot construction tops the list as the absolute worst based on feedback, businesses affected and the overall time it's taking to complete the project. A lot of people are traveling Verot on their commute between work and school and have expressed fear of "falling" off of the steep dropoffs. Hopefully, the end result is worth the headache for those who have been waiting for the construction to be over with.
If we missed any construction areas or you would like to chime in, shoot us a message in the comments.
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