Louisiana has made the wrong end of another list, this time for driving.

A new study ranks Louisiana drivers as some of the worst in the country. The study was conducted by CarInsuranceComparison.com and they list Louisiana tied with Texas.

Louisiana ranks among the 10 worst in five categories including failure to obey traffic signals, seat belt usage, and drunk driving.

The category that the state's drivers scored best in was speeding oddly enough as we were 30th worst.

According to the study, the biggest factor for bad driving has to with careless driving. Of the 20 worst states overall, 16 states were ranked in the worst half for careless driving.

How can we fix all this? It's simple, take control of how we each drive. Put away the cell phones, avoid the tendency to multitask, drive below the speed limit, and never drink and drive.

Come on Louisiana, we can do better and we can start now.


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